Who are the Tarahumara?

The Rarámuri or Tarahumara people are a native community of the northwestern Sierra Madre in Mexico, a rugged mountain range often referred to as the “Copper Canyon.” Rarámuri means “those who run fast.” The Rarámuri are renowned for their long-distance running abilities, kicking wooden balls for up to 200 miles in one session through the cliffs and valleys of the Copper Canyon.

A Rarámuri  runner

When the Conquistadores invaded Mexico in the 16th century, many Rarámuri fled deep into the canyons of the Sierra Madre to escape the Spanish armies and enslavement to the settlers who followed them. To this day, the Rarámuri continue to be widely dispersed throughout the mountains, living in caves and makeshift houses alongside their animals. Staple crops are maize, beans and squash- but when these crops fail due to drought, many families suffer hunger.

Traditional Tarahumara dwellings built into caves.

Unlike media portrayal, there is immense physical suffering among this people group.  The region’s maternal and infant mortality rates are the highest in Mexico and the fifth highest in the world. Due to delay in seeking medical care, contaminated water, and food scarcity, up to 50% of children die in the first few years of life. More than 95% of adults are illiterate.

Perhaps the deepest need of the Tarahumara is freedom from the fear and spiritual bondage that has controlled their people for generations. While the Tarahumara do believe in a creator god, their god depends on human efforts and ceremonies to sustain him. They believe that this god has relegated them to a life of poverty and suffering—a god who is distant and uncaring. The Tarahumara live in daily fear of evil spirits that can attack their health, their animals, and their families, even fearing the rainbow, which they believe steals their children.

A Tarahumara mother with her child

Only in recent years have doors begun opening for the Tarahumara to hear God’s true story of love and salvation in their own ancient language. Sierra Send works to train, equip, and empower Tarahumara believers to reach their own people, to plant and lead their own churches. Through the work being done by Sierra Send, a growing movement of Tarahumara people are finding freedom from fear, and experiencing a new peace and joy found in Jesus Christ.

A Tarahumara believer shares an MP3 player containing an audio Bible in the Tarahumara language.

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