Beautiful Feet

      Celso grew up in Nararachi, an isolated Tarahumara village in Mexico’s Sierra Madre. His homemade sandals fashioned from old rubber tires and strips of leather carried him down canyon trails to herd goats on rocky cliffs. Sometimes, the rubber sandals carried Celso on long-distance marathons through the mountains, competing against other Tarahumara boys who loved to run. As Celso grew, the joy of running was often clouded by fear. Fear that drought would destroy his corn crop, fear of cartel violence, and fear that someone might place a curse on his family causing sickness or death.

A Tarahumara runner in traditional dress stands in the Sierra Madre.

One day, Celso was surprised by a team of missionaries who invited him to attend a class to learn to read. Over a cup of warm coffee and cookies, Celso grasped a pencil and traced the letters of his language for the first time in his life. Through the years that followed, Celso came to hear about a loving God who was not cruel and distant, but who cared for him and his family. He was delighted to learn to write and read the Bible in his own native dialect. Celso was particularly excited to find a passage in Romans 10:15 that read: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

Sierra Send missionary Deb Kramer teaches literacy to an eager group of students.

A burning desire grew in Celso’s heart to take God’s Story to Tarahumara families in distant villages far beyond the paved roads. Today, Celso, along with another former literacy student Lorenzo, lead a Sierra Send outreach team that teaches the Bible in remote Tarahumara villages. They continue to hike in their homemade rubber sandals, carrying heavy packs loaded with MP3 players containing scriptures and Christian songs in their native language.

An outreach team carrying packs of MP3 players navigates a steep cliff to reach a village.

Pictured here, Celso teaches Bible stories. He plans to implement Sierra Send’s new video literacy program this fall using a donated video projector. Each class participant will receive a special school bag with a clipboard, paper, and pencils (easy to carry as they like to study while herding goats.) Your support goes to fund materials like these. Thank you!

Hiking on rocky trails has left Celso’s feet calloused and cracked. Sierra Send outreach teams like Celso’s often hike for hours to deliver food supplies or carry a sick baby to reach medical care. Their feet are covered with dust and dirt. To God, those feet are beautiful.

We know that the first step toward sharing the Gospel literally begins with people’s feet being sent out into the world. Romans 10:15 also says: “And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?”
        That’s the heart of Sierra Send- we aim to empower and equip the indigenous Tarahumara people to plant and lead their own churches, so that every Tarahumara family would know Jesus.

We praise God that because of the faithful prayers and support of many:

  • 19,000 MP3 players have been distributed to date, reaching many new Tarahumara villages within the past few months.
  • 9 outreach teams (like Celso’s!) are receiving financial support and are being equipped with training and materials to share God’s Story. The teams visit many remote villages weekly, sharing MP3 players and showing Tarahumara Bible videos on small portable projectors. These outreach teams are largely composed of Tarahumara believers as well as Mexican and American missionaries.
  • Emergency food relief is being distributed in villages hit hardest by drought and corn crop failure. Sierra Send outreach teams also help facilitate a village medical clinic.
  • A new video-based literacy program is being developed, set to launch in October.
  • The Basigochi training center continues to operate and grow. This 11-acre property is located strategically on a paved road cutting through the heart of the canyon, providing a gathering place where Tarahumara people can worship, share and learn together. Sierra Send has been blessed to host several mission teams who have built a playground and installed insulation to make winter gatherings more comfortable.
Tarahumara believers gather at the Basigochi center to hear Bible lessons taught by their own people. These events typically last for several days and may include a special meal of boiled goat that is enjoyed by all. 

The need continues- there are still hundreds of Tarahumara villages that remain unreached.  
Please pray with us:

        For spiritual and physical strength for Celso and Lorenzo and other outreach teams that are hiking this week to remote villages. Pray for the Holy Spirit to anoint each believer with what to say (Mark 13:11) as their teams face many forms of opposition. For example, some Tarahumara fear that if they listen to the word of God, a neighbor might pay a witch doctor to curse them, the rain may stop, and their animals and corn fields will die. Celso once mentioned that although some of his own people alienated him for following Christ, it was alright because he was now “part of God’s family.”

A team prepares to board a United Indian Missions bush plane to drop packs of Mp3 players and other supplies.

Pray for funding so that Sierra Send outreach teams can continue to share God’s Word in the Sierra Madre. The Tarahumara people have lived in near isolation and spiritual darkness for centuries. With the advances of modern technology, this first generation of Tarahumara believers is strategically positioned to take the Gospel message to villages that are otherwise inaccesible. Sierra Send is in need of continued funding to equip outreach teams like Celso’s, to fuel vehicles and fund air drops by bush plane of literacy supplies and MP3 players. 

To get involved, click here to donate securely online:

Thank you for praying with us and for sending these “beautiful feet!” 

You play a vital role in the advancement of the Gospel in these dark, unreached communities. Celso and Lorenzo are encouraged by the faithful support of those who help send them. If it were not for you, Tarahumara families would not be listening to Mp3 players today with a message of hope in Christ. Thank you for being a key part of their team!

In His grace, 

Sierra Send

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